
Broke the good news to my mom that she will be a granny in March next year. It is great to share the news with someone that understands the pregnancy vomiting and nausea!! Because IT HAS REALLY STARTED!!

Morning Sick

morning Sick

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there is definitely a little “Engeltjie” on the way

Went to Intercare to confirm the home test and positive – there is definitely a little “Engeltjie” on the way. At this point, they estimate we are 5 weeks along.

It is amazing what is already happening: the little spine is forming and our “Engeltjie” is 2.5mm – just a little sesame seed!

Sesame seed

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I am late

Again I presume I am pregnant – I am late and there are bouts of nausea. Riaan is away in Kleinmond and only coming home this evening. He also surmises we are pregnant.

Took the home pregnancy test and what do you know: 2 stripes!!! YAY!!!!! I have not told Riaan and will surprise him this evening……..

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Ma Huibrecht Nana Engelbrecht

My ma.

My ma

Ek wou gister vir my ma gese het jy is weer ‘ n ouma……. haar laatse kind wat nog vir haar die goeie nuus sou bring…………..

Maar dit het nie so uit gewerk nie.

Ma was siek en was in die hospitaal in Hermanus. Ek sou later die dag (Saterdag) deur gery het en vir haar die nuus gegee het.

8h50 Saterdag (23/06/2012) het ek ‘n op roep gekry met die nuus dat my mama hemel toe is.



Poem for my mother “A woman’s hands”

A woman’s hands always hold something: A handbag, a vase, a child, a ring, an idea. My hands are tired of holding They simply want to fold themselves. On a crowded bus, I watched a nun’s empty hands Till I reminded myself that she clutched God. My hands are tired of holding. I gladly let them go, and watch a pair of hands Run ownerless through the world, Scattering cooking pots and flowers and rings. Till I reminded myself that she is holding on to God.


Ek mis jou ma. Crying

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Gift wrapped

Not that I did anything wrong, but I just felt like buying flowers for my wife today.
Waldette had a hair appointment and was a bit later at home.

Her flowers was waiting on the table.

When she arrived she asked me if I saw my present as well.

Nope, I have not been in my office yet.
And there on my desk I found.





and inside





 2 strepe is goed.

It means the test is not broken like the previous one.


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Feeling Lucky

This week I am feeling lucky. It is 12days in the cycle and and the oven is on.

Feeling lucky

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Friday the 13th

I think we bought a defective test. Typically Friday the 13th.

Waldette followed the instruction and even wee’ed 10min later again on it,  but still just one bar.
I am taking it back to Clicks and will ask for a refund.

In the meantime it is business as usual. Yea!!!

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Pregnancy Test

It is a month later and I imagine I am experiencing bouts of nausea during the day. I don’t think “morning sickness” is the correct term because I definitely feel exceptionally good in the mornings. The nausea hits at odd times of the day. I feel tired out by the afternoons too.

PREGNANT? Not sure? Let’s wait for tomorrow morning.

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The test

Pregnancy Test

Pregnancy Test

mmmm, do not trust or believe women.
“Wil bokkie nie gou saam ry want ek moet brood by Checkers koop nie.”

Not knowing that Clicks is next to Checkers:
“I just quickly want to pop in here dear”
“In Clicks” I asked.

“Help me look for the tests”

Wat se tests!!!???” sommer vies want ek het kom brood koop.

Ka-ting   —- Hit with Brick  as it hits me.
“Sorry dear, I do not know where it is, but while you are looking I will look at the magazines”

So kry ek haar in ‘n gang en die vra my nogal. “Should I buy the R72.99 one or the R21.99.”
Picking up ONLY ONE test I thought to my self. “yea, and what if: then she would like to try/test /wee again
And this will happen 5am and who will have to drive that time to M-Kem.

10 out of 10 for your guess.



Daai tyd slaap ek nog.


“Take 2 dear then we do not have to come again”

So, we bought 2 x R21.99. (face it, you wee on it)

Guys…….. it is not easy. Some how there is a shyness, sheepishness while we have to do this.

Anycase. Lets wait for 5am tomorrow morning.

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Stage fright

This is my post, Waldette will add her bit later:
Waldette had the Mirena removed yesterday.
What this means is that ‘it is all GO!’ and every time we are together now, there is a chance  she may fall pregnant.
Ok, this is just weird, because up to now I had sex  so that she will not fall pregnant. Knowing this, it took a bit longer for me to take a bow at the audience.  Call it stage fright.

Stage Fright

Stage Fright

Nerveless, I am very excited with the new chapter in  our lives.

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