This is Cr_p

I use this strong word because I do not know how to handle this.
IS IT REALLY NECESSARY to have these scares. I hate it.
Makes me realise that we can only entrust our lives and our baby’s life in
God’s hand.

So what happened? Waldette started to feel bad and started to throw up
at 5 o’Clock pm. The Bad throwing up kind. Seeing that this in the first
trimester the thoughts started to go through our minds.
Waldette called me at work and asked that I should take her to Hospital
as she is scared. She is scared that there might be something wrong with baby to. I went into overdrive.  You that know me knows that my emotional face is that of a garden gnome (static) and……

……she might have thought I do not really care. Well, what she thought and what I felt are to worlds apart.





Ok, So we took her to a Private hospital in Durbanville. (Will not mention names.)

Waited 30 min before someone worked on her chart.
in the mean time I asked around. ONE Dr in the ER Room. ONLY ONE and that is a private  hospital. When I asked if they cannot call more doctors  because  there are patients starting to queue-up, I was told that it is complicated. Thinking that we will be here a while I asked them to explain to me how difficult this is. All I got from that was a “skewe kyk”
Brings me to a question: So what is the idea of me paying this much for a private hospital. After 1hour 30min I walked out with my wife and went to Gape Gate. As we walked in I said that my wife is 11 weeks pregnant and it might be a miscarriage.
I filled in 1 FORM and before I was finished Waldette was already on a drip.
Dehydration and all is fine. I thank my Lord!!!
Still do not think the stress is necessary.

Now that is service.

To Cape Gate and the lady infront. Thank you for Making us feel that you care. You will
have our money next time.
To the other unmentioned PRIVATE hospital. Useless to you.


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Register at Discovery

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The nausea has subsided during the day.  This is such a blessing because I can my work done efficiently and not have to worry too much in the evenings. BUT here from 19h00, I feel a bit grotty and just  want to climb into bed.

I still have no inclination to cook food and have found Dial-a-Chef to be a good substitute until my cooking initiative returns!

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All of a sudden, the magazines that I did not even look at twice are the most interesting.  Very informative, but sooo much information. Not too mention all the gadgets that you can buy for baby – this is Riaan’s department and he spent some time intrigued by what exactly  is available!

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My mom is growing more and more excited and telling everybody that she can think of.

It is special to share this time with her and know that she understands totally what it means to be pregnant. The nausea and all the changes that are happening to my body. Praise God for mothers! This must be especially hard for Riaan where he also would have wanted to share with his mom.

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Went to Pathcare for blood test.
Blood tests at this stage are done to establish blood group, blood count amongst others. The test was also for toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by a parasite that can threaten the health of an unborn child. You can get the infection from handling soil or cat litter that contains cat feces infected with the parasite. You can also get it from eating undercooked meat from animals infected with the parasite or from uncooked foods that have come in contact with contaminated meat.

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What to expect at the Dr

What to expect at the Dr

This link downloads week by week and vist by vist stuff we can expect at the dr.

Ultra sound

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First heart beat

9.3 weeks
170 beats per min.

And the little feet is kicking like crasy!!!

First Scan

Let me tell you guys, seeing this changes everything.
I have seen many of these photos from friends and thought to myself….. and, so what? What is the big fuss.

It’s a huge  fuss!!!!

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Dying of thirst

Dying of thirst there.

I did a bit of research on the net and it seems that I am in the desert for 10 more months.

In 8 weeks I was lucky 4 times. This works out to 20 times, if all goes well, for the next 10 months……. Maybe less as the last month will be out of the question.

Soos daar gesê word, “elke sport het sy beseering”

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Cannot TOLERATE the smell of food cooking

Morning sickness has hit hard!! And it recrrs all day. I am going to have to make a plan to get Riaan cooked food without me having to cook. I cannot TOLERATE the smell of food cooking. All I can tolerate is bland, salty food – please nothing sweet….ughhhh! Biltong, marmite, tomatoes and cheese perhaps on a toasted wholewheat broodjie is all I can stomach.

The bit that I have googled says that there are no hard and fast rules for when the queasiness will stop. For some it ends at 14 weeks, others it just carries on….
On the positive side, at least my body is producing the hormones necessary for baby to develope!!!

Bad food

Bad food

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