27 Weeks, en wat gebeur nou.


1. Waldette was screaming 3 nights ago from cramps in her one leg. (I was expecting it to happen, So I was prepared )

I am prepaired

I am


Any Anycase:   I got up, gave her a good foot and leg massage and stretch and all well.

Riaan saving the night. back to zzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz








Some stuff to do to fix it for cramps………. …..a good exercise before going to bed is the calf stretch.
Or, Magnesium /Calcium  .

 2. En die Boy, wat gebeur daar??????????

At this age the Boy is able to distinguish between light and dark. Research demonstrates how babies in the womb turn away from the source to the other side when a bright light is shone on their mother’s stomach.

I asked little one if this is true and he said……….

Shine that in my face again and I will moer you!!! ka-pieche

I will hit you and then slap you. What is wrong with  you.

I will hit you and then slap you. What is wrong with you.


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9 Months locked up and Cool nerd Dad

9 maande op gesluit

9 maande op gesluit

Daddy scored --- Yea

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26 Weeks. En maag raak styf !!!

Die maag is harder aan die een kant en as ek daar druk dan beweeg baba. Asof hy se, gaan weg ek slaap……. of dalk, neee krap bietjie hoer…….  mmmmm

Bietjie links, nog Bietjie... Aaaah

Bietjie links, nog Bietjie… Aaaah








So wat gebeur daar binne.
1. Baby is getting a layer of fat.
2. On average babies are 750g by nou and our boy is close to 900g. BIG!!!!!! boy!!!
3. Your baby’s hearing is completely formed. Praat ma praat!!!


Fish is good:
Eating fish is healthy and especially good during pregnancy. Women who consume a variety of fish end up having full term babies and babies with higher birth weights. This is important because the longer baby remains in the womb, the stronger and healthier it will be during delivery. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish is responsible for preventing premature births; it triggers a hormone which helps prevent pregnancy induced hypertension and preeclampsia as well. Fish is the right choice of protein because it is safe, low in fat and high in Vitamin B, iron, zinc, selenium and copper. Eating most varieties on a frequent basis should be no problem.

And then, my Boy:

Face Scan 25 weeks

Face Scan 25 weeks

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25 Week Scan – 820g

” Die baba het ‘n ronde kop, nes sy pa”


Dis wat Dr White se toe sy baba se kop meet en toe met die selfde slag omkyk na my…………………………OoooKaay…….. dink ek vir my self. Maar wat sy toe se is dat ‘n mens kan al die features van die kind uitmaak. Pa se seun. Yea!

Any case….
Here is the little face.

Pa se gesig.

25week heartB 148b/min (click here and turn sound up)















2 Hands.












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Baba haal net asem as hy slaap. Stop storing !!!

Baby sleeping

Baby is improving his breathing skills – inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid and working out its breathing techniques. These breathing exercises are only carried out when baby is sleeping and not during its awake moments. Studies show that the only time fetus breathes in and out is during REM sleep.

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Week 24 – hoe lyk baba nou en wat gebeur daar binne

  • From crown to rump your baby measures at 8½ inches, and weighs about 1 lb 6 oz. Fetus is now the size of a banana. (is dit nou sy lyf or sy man hood)
  • All of the main organs are working, except for the lungs which baby will not use until after birth.
  • Your baby is becoming much more aware of his surroundings and sounds and movement outside the uterus.
  • The main aim now is to fine-tune his systems and lay down more fat.
  • Your baby’s unique hand and foot prints are forming.
  • Baby’s heart rate has dropped to about 140-150 beats a minute.
  • The meconium of baby’s first stool is starting to form in the bowel.
  • Within the lungs small air sacs or alveoli are forming.
  • Sweat glands are forming in baby’s skin.
  • Baby is now able to cough and hiccup.
  • Baby’s skin is no more translucent but reddish in color.
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24 Weeks – 21cm lank en weeg +-540g

Wow. Dis 24 weke vandag.

My vrou lyk mooi en baba is goed besig daar binne.
Ons begin aan name dink, en daar is een wat ons van hou. (nee dis nie Koos nie, al hou ek van dit)
Kleintjie is +-21cm lank en weeg +-540g
Die pad is 540g en 24cm.

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22 weeks








Our boy now weighs about 350g (the camera above weighs 360g) and is over 19cm long . Baby continues to grow, eyelids and eyebrows are developed, and nails are also visible. The amniotic fluid is replenished on a daily basis; in fact about a third of the fluid is exchanged every hour. Our baby swallows the fluid and some of this fluid is absorbed back into your body via the umbilical cord and placenta. The rest is simply urinated back into the amniotic fluid. Baby uses its ‘bathwater’ as its drinking water. While some of its nutrients are provided by the amniotic fluid, bulk of the nutrients comes from the placenta.


Drinking bath water. Dit verduidelik hoekom ek die bad gedink het toe ek klein was.


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Morning “pens”

10-10-2012 Oggend met my mooi vrou in die kombuis.

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20.5 weeks

This is just WOW.

Wow Wow Wow for God giving us this gift!!!!!

Baby is lying with his head just under my bellybutton with his back to my stomach. (See page photo’s 20.5 weeks http://www.easylink.co.za/baba/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/20.5-week-scan.jpg).

No wonder I don’t feel the full force of his little kicks and jerks! Dr Lizette says the position of my placenta also hinders me from feeling his jabs.

- the rest is from Riaan…..

…………… now again look at these tools !!!

go my Boy go!!!

The foot is almost 4cm






Ok!!! after seeing this comparison, Pls fetch a battery and check it.

If his foot is this size at 20.5 weeks what do you think will it be at 9 months!!!……………….
and you all know what they say about foot vs …… tools.

You go boy!!!

( See rest of scan under Photos.)

Posted in Doctor, Photos, Riaan, Waldette | 1 Comment