6 Weke – 110cm and Lilly test the crib



Heats and bump


I installed the heart monitor in the crib and asked Lilly to test it.
It is amazing how sensitive it is. It picks up Lilly’s breathing / heart / movement. The moment I lift Lilly off the alarm goes of.

Tomorrow is our second pre-natal class. The nurse warned us that it will be graphic and they will show a DVD. Die greveeste DVD.

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Eerste Kinder skool

Dit was maar ongemaklik want al die mans was styf en uitplek.

80% van die klas het gegaan oor “tiettie suig”………………..

en nee ek gaan nie ‘n photo by sit nie.

hee hee

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Too big for shoes

Today was the first day that Waldette could not reach her feet to fasten her shoes…..

Big boy!!!!!

My help was offered gladly.
Then I realized that women shoes does not just tie. Its a bit more complicated, but I succeeded.


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44 Days to go

This is so scary…… 44 more days.
(I read that only 15% of women do their full term)

3 days ago I started to think about how to look after a baby.
Things like; what cream to use on the bum, how often should the little one feed, what about sleep, what if he sneezes, should I go to the dr?

Is the room hot enough? is it cool enough?

What kind of milk should the boy get, is there some drops that you should put in the bottle? What about medicine?  Kramp drupples????

Anycase: Kramp druppels het die volgende in

Tincture Valerian 2,38 mL
Tincture Lavender Co. 0,24 mL
Solvent Ether 0,26 mL
Ethanol (100%) 55,0% v/v

Is it safe??? for the boy???????????? I do not know

So, we are having our first prenatal tomorrow evening from 7pm to 9pm

They discuss  Feedings / vaginal delivery/ caesarean / Video /new born Baby/ cpr / role of Dad/parents


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Christmas and our son is already getting stuff

I said to the family that our boy wants a train set, a 4×4 remote car and a Wii
Did not happen, but he did get some other cool stuff.

This was a Christmas with joy but also sadness.
Waldette’s father, mother, brother and sister was here, so was Heila and George.
Heila is my aunt from my mothers side.
The sad part is that its my first Christmas without my mother, and that sucks!!
You that have had to experience it as well will know it is ……….  aweful and it feels like ……….. I cannot describe it. Ek mis jou ma, ek mis jou verskriklik. !!!!!!!
My 2 brothers are in the USA, my sister in Jo-Burg and my father on a farm in the Namakwaland. (I’m driving there tomorrow to visit for a few days. Waldette is staying with her mother and fixing baby room.)

Heila asked me awhile ago if she may be the surrogate gran in the absence of my mom. And our aswer was a YES. We are so blessed to have Heila

To see all the pics at this Christmas click here.

Christmas is bed.

Kersfees in die bed

Heila and me

Cooling off

Boy’s toys. This is a bear that reads  the Bible. Waldette’s mom gave this one.

Boy’s toys

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9 Weeks to go – 1.8kg

Tot nou toe het ons voorentoe getel; 20,21,23-27… maar nou tel ons terug;

Went for the 30 week scan. Had to wait an hour as Dr. was busy with an emergency. At lease I could catchup on the manganese in the receition room and finishe an article on how to handle a child that throws a ” vloer moer”.     The one mother suggested “Verkoop die kind en koop wyn”








Ok, back to the scans.

The boy is +- 400g heavier that the average baby. And no! its not fat, he is a BIG boy.

Baby opens and closes mouth and the eyes are moving.
Waldette say that it feels if little one is running on a treadmill the way that he kicks.

Pics van die scan. GROOT Voet, mooi lippies en neus. (The mouth opened and closed)

To see the pics in the Gallery click here

Video of his Foot. I told you its a big guy.

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Swembad – This is a happy preggie girl

It was 30c and we decided to go for a swim…..

I went to the shops and bought this 1.8m blow up pool.
Works just as well. Look at the smiles.

Even Lilly is enjoying.

It is well with the world

Swimming lessons

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11 Weeks to go !!!

Dit was vrydag 29 weeke. En dit beteken nog net 11 weke voor baba hier is.

And to put this in perspective.

Light will travel 2 985 776 640 times around the earth in 11 weeks.
(Now you know)
or give or take a few million km.
Uranus from earth (the plannet)


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4D Scan 27 weeks

Die persoon wat die scan gedoen het het ges^e:

- See what chubby sheeks he has
- ooo- look at the chubby lips.
- oooo-my look at the tools. (het nie photo van die geneem nie. Wil die kind nie skaam maak nie.)

Klientjie weeg 1.26kg

Anycase. Kleintjie lyk soos ma.
more photo’s here click here


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Wat is ‘n pa en wat is ‘n ma

     Wat is ‘n Pa ?

Pa’s werk baie hart en het baie papier gelt. Pa’s hou baie van teevee kyk op Saterdag. Pa’s wil slaap op Sondag. Pa’s maak braaivlys vir kos en is sterk en sê hille is die baas.

Pa’s het visstokke, grawe en baie anner goet in die graatsh en hille vee nie uit en stof af nie. Pa’s lees as hille kamer verlaat.

Pa’s hou van tannies wat nie gelt het vir kleere nie en wat net kostjums dra.

Pa’s gee hart pak as ma so sê. Pa’s gaan op vikansie en vat ma’s en kinners altyt saam. Hille krap hille gesigte skoon want dit wort vol hare as hule slaap.

Pa’s werk altyt as kinners iets wil doen, en het baie werk vir kinners. Ma’s het ook baie werk vir pa’s. Pa’s is kwaai maar hille is bang vir ma’s.

Wat is ‘n Ma ?

Maas is baje mooi. Hille kleer hille gesigte in. Maas lees vir mens stories. Maas kan goet sien, as jy klaar gebat het sien hille dis nog vyl agter jou ore. As jy stout is sien hille deer ‘n mier en vra wat jy alweer doen. Hille maak groente vir kos en ons kry lekker poeding as ons allis opeet. Maas moet baje slim wees, want ons jivrouens gee vir ons hyswerk dan doen ons maas dit. Maas vat kinners skool toe en soen hille voor anner kinners en tanies. Maas is altyt laat en sê kiners moet gou maak.

As jy siek is pas Maas jou op. Maas het baje gelt vir tamatiesous, pienatbater, seep en tannepasta, kofie en pap maar net biekie gelt vir swiets. Maas sê altyt hille het nie gelt nie maar dan koop hille ‘n trolie vol goeters. Maas hou van winkels waar mens net ‘n papierkie teken want dan hoef jy nie te petaal nie.

Maas sê altyt hille is vet as hille ou kleere aantrek, niewe kleere pas net reg en dan is hille maar. Maas is baje virsigtig. Hille sê altyt pasop vir die karre en slyt al die dere. Hille is bang vir krieke, en jaag die hond van die bet af.

Maas is baje vliks. Hille praat lank op die foon, lees boek en kyk dys of de laaivs op tiewie en dan maak hille vinig kos voorlat Paas kom. Maas gaan eendag hemil toe want hille bit baje en ken alis van Liewe Hiesis. Ek is baje lief vir Maas .

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