This is so scary…… 44 more days.
(I read that only 15% of women do their full term)
3 days ago I started to think about how to look after a baby.
Things like; what cream to use on the bum, how often should the little one feed, what about sleep, what if he sneezes, should I go to the dr?
Is the room hot enough? is it cool enough?
What kind of milk should the boy get, is there some drops that you should put in the bottle? What about medicine? Kramp drupples????
Anycase: Kramp druppels het die volgende in
Tincture Valerian 2,38 mL
Tincture Lavender Co. 0,24 mL
Solvent Ether 0,26 mL
Ethanol (100%) 55,0% v/v
Is it safe??? for the boy???????????? I do not know
So, we are having our first prenatal tomorrow evening from 7pm to 9pm
They discuss Feedings / vaginal delivery/ caesarean / Video /new born Baby/ cpr / role of Dad/parents